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LaShena Recruitalina's Virtual Birthday Bash 
April 26th is my official birthday It's my birthdaaay! It's my birthdaaay! 🎉

Thank you for helping to celebrate my birthday with this Virtual Birthday Bash Book Pre-order Partaaay! 💋

I am truly honored that you are celebrating with me. I'm sure you wanted to bring a present, or a dish or a bottle of wine 🍷but with social distancing you know how that goes. As an alternative, it would mean the absolute WORLD to me if you would pre-order my very first book 📚 

Now you already know how I roll.... this book is going to be packed with tons of valuable nuggets sprinkled with positivity that I have come to be known for which warms my heart that my friends appreciate that about me. So while you're ordering, go ahead and include enough to "gift" them to your friends and family but most of all.....thank you for supporting me. 

Also, as a special bonus, I will include you in my book!! That's honor of my birthday, I have a special section which mentions those who pre-order. 

So complete your contact information, and the payment instructions are on the next page. The book is only $25.00 which includes taxes + shipping and handling in the United States. 

LaShena "Recruitalina" Matthews

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